
June 28, 2016by Rock Fit0

How often do you step on the scale?

How often do you feel bad once you do?

When we step on the scale and allow it to make us feel ashamed, we’re giving an inanimate object the power to affect our self-esteem and our self-worth.

While there’s no doubt that many of us have a weight loss goal, we cannot allow our body weight to primarily dictate how we feel about ourselves and our bodies.

When it comes to fitness, there’s more to measure than simply your body weight. Measuring your body fat, your strength, and assessing how well your body moves– all paint a clearer picture of just how fit and healthy you truly are.

Is it time for you to ditch your scale?

Watch the video below and decide for yourself…

Ken Diaz Founder, Rock Fit
Ken Diaz
Founder, Rock Fit